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segunda-feira, 25 de abril de 2011

Angélica Genuíno Profile

    My name is Angélica Genuino de Oliveira, 19 years old, and I don’t know English very well. I have English lesson at Wizard, only on seven months.
    I was born in Caicó, but now live in Natal. I chose Ciências e Tecnologia (CeT) at Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN). I want to do the second cycle formation in Petroleum Engineering. Since I Was a child, I always liked exact subjects.
    I hope someday to have much money, but I will not pay the price polluting, this is bad for the enviroment, but especially for the economy. 
    I am a person who love my family and friends, anime, mangás/comics, series and movies, almost all styles of music, including classical music, like ballet, art exhibitions and all kinds of sports. There are things that I dislike, like, politics, forró, dumb people, but I can not stand people who try to control my life.
    As for how I am? I am intelligent, honest, loyal, headstrong, bossy, proactive, altruistic, a little cranky, but I love playing, I enjoy learning new things, my friends take I'm exotic, because there's nobody like me. And that is ME.

Júnior Paiva Profile

       Hello! My name is Júnior, I'm 19 years old and I'm student of Bachelor of Science & Technology (BST), of Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN). I was born in Rafael Godeiro, small town Potiguar. I chose BST so I could delay the choice of engineering that most to me fascinate. As always I liked calculations already knew that my area would be the technologic, so it was not difficult to choose the area, left just doubt among which to engineering choose. My doubt was between: Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering or Petroleum Engineering. Today I see was that a big advantage choose BST, because I'm now mature enough to choose the one that pleases me most, Petroleum Engineering. 
    In my spare time I'm always listening to music or watching TV series, that I consider my hobby. Like several series: Supernatural, Lie to Me, Cougar Town, The New Adventures of Old Christine, The Big Bang Theory, among others. I like enjoy music, all kinds, all the rhythms, just contagious me that I will download and listen to,  some bands/singer that I hear a lot are: Red Hot Chili Peppers, The Beatles, 30 Seconds To Mars, Adele, Duffy , Eminem, Slipknot, Aerosmith, Florence And The Machine and others. Always that can I  tour with friends by the city, I like to always be surrounded by friends and make new friends, my best friends are Hannah, Bruno, Ester and Débora. I love all my family, especially my nephews, Peter and Valentini. Today I live in University Residence UFRN, there I met many nice people. Anyway guys this is me, a human being with faults and qualities!

Débora Raiane Profile

   Hello everyone! My name is Debora Raiane, I'm 21 years old and I was born in Natal, Brazil. I live with my parents and my brother, who I love so much. This is a great and beautiful family

   During the week, I always wake up early, have breakfast and then go to the gym. I really enjoy it. I like talking to my friends, through the cell phone or web messenger, and listening to music too. But I’m very busy, mainly with housework. Actually, my mother often gets stressed when I don't help her. On weekends, I usually go out with some friends, and sleep a lot.

   My favorite singer is Celline Dion with her strong voice, and sometimes I also listen to a little bit of rock. Glee is one of my favorite series. It's funny and the characters are so lovely. My favorite character is Rachel, always so dramatic, and often misunderstood, for me, she's a diva. I'm a fan of cartoons as well, if I were a cartoon, I'd be Looney Tunes’ Felicia. I love to hug my pets and my friends, but sometimes I hug them so tight that I end up hurting them.

    I studied junior high in a nice school, but the best of high school I had was in IFRN, where not only did i do senior high, i graduated in a technical course of informatics and computer maintenance as well. There, I learned many values I took for my life, like ethics and responsability.

   About the university I don't know what to say... I think the university is a challenge for me, and maybe i really didn't faced it properly yet

Understanding Chemical and Physical Reactions

     Nothing on Earth ever really disappears, all matter is made up of tiny molecules, and when these molecules are changed the matter changes form. These changes are called reactions.
     The first way matter can change is through a physical reaction, these reactions are usually caused by some form of motion or pressure, or a change in temperature. In a physical reaction, the matter change form, but keeps the same molecules. Molecules are simply rearranged so the matter has a new shape or state
     The second way matter can change is through a chemical reaction. Theese changes occur when two or more substances combine and react to each other. These reactions cause the molecules of the substances to change, creating a new kind of matter.

Chemical and Physical Reactions example

Original Entry

Projeto Manhattan

Projeto Manhattan é o codinome de um plano empreendido pelo governo norte- americano durante a segunda guerra mundial, cujo objetivo principal era o desenvolvimento de armas de destruição em massa a partir do domínio da reação de fissão nuclear. De forma mais ampla, é usado para representar os locais, recursos e pessoas envolvidas nessa pesquisa nuclear.
 A palavra projeto vem do latim proiectus (lançado), particípio passado de projicere (lançar para adiante). Já Manhattan é o nome de um distrito da cidade de Nova York. Esse distrito abrigava pelo menos 10 locais relacionados aos esforços de desenvolvimento do Projeto. Apesar de ter suas raízes desde o início da segunda guerra mundial, é somente a partir de agosto de 1942 que o projeto passou a ser conhecido como Manhattan Project ou Manhattan Engineer District.
Diante dos rumores e ameaças vindas de uma possível arma nuclear produzida na Alemanha nazista durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial, os EUA se viram obrigados a também produzirem uma arma nuclear. Assim surgiu o Projeto Manhattan que culminou na detonação das duas bombas nucleares lançadas no Japão.
Estima-se que milhares pessoas morreram devido ao lançamento das bombas atômicas. Destas muitas morreram no dia do bombardeio ou em decorrência das doenças causadas pela radiação. As cidades japonesas de Hiroshima e Nagasaki, foram arrasadas pelas armas Little Boy em 6 de agosto de 1945 e Fat Man  em 9 de Agosto de 1945, respectivamente.
O lançamento das bombas foi justificado pelo governo dos Estados Unidos da América, como sendo essa a forma mais rápida de encerrar a Segunda Guerra Mundial. Além de ter sido um ensaio da guerra fria. 

Figura 1 - Usina nuclear de Shippingport, Penn.

Figura 2 - Paciente submetido à radioterapia

Figura 3 – Submarino movido a energia nuclear

Manhattan Project

Manhattan Project is the codename of a plan undertaken by the U.S. government during World War II, whose main objective was to develop weapons of mass destruction from the field of nuclear fission reaction. More broadly, it is used to represent the local resources and people involved in nuclear research.
The word, project comes from the Latin proiectus (hurled), past participle of projicere (forward throw). Already Manhattan is the name of a city district of New York. This district was home at least 10 place related to development efforts of the Project. Despite having its roots from the beginning of World War II, is only since August 1942 that the project came to be known as the Manhattan Project or Manhattan Engineer District.
            In response to rumors and threats from a possible nuclear weapon produced in Nazi Germany during World War II, the U.S. were forced to also produce a nuclear weapon. Thus arose the Manhattan Project that culminated in the detonation of two nuclear bombs dropped on Japan.
            It is estimated that thousands people died due to the release of atomic bombs. Many died in these days of bombing or as a result of diseases caused by radiation. The Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki were destroyed by weapons Little Boy on August 6, 1945 and Fat Man on August 9, 1945, respectively.
            The launch of the bombs was justified by the government of the United States of America, such as the quickest way to end World War II. Besides being a test of the cold war.

 Example 1 - Nuclear power plant in Shippingport, Penn.

 Example 2 - The patient underwent radiotherapy

Example 3 - Nuclear Powered Submarine